During Christmas some unfortunate events occurred – on the 26th of December Ultimahosts (who we were paying to maintain our servers) had a crash and managed to wipe out all our servers. This was very frustrating, but I expected it to be online again soon, recovered from their backups.
On the 28th they let me know that they had accidentally destroyed all backups. How is it possible for a single datacenter to screw up so much?? I don’t know.
Most classifiers are intact and users registered 17-25 can be recovered
Luckily I had taken manual backups myself – one on all the classifiers on the 25th of December and one on the user database on the 17th of December. This means that most classifiers are intact, but users who registered between 17-25 of December are gone. You guys can re-register with the same username and I will attach it to your old classifiers (send me an e-mail). I am really sorry about this and for the inconvenience it has caused.
New servers on Amazon EC2
I spent over 60 hours reinstalling and moving uclassify to Amazon EC2. This feels really good (now that it’s done). We can easily scale and we have an own good backup system using Amazon EBS + daily offsite backups.
I’m really sorry for any inconvenience,
Jon Kågström
Ps. Thanks to Google cache I was able to recover all posts for this blog…