oFaust.com – another site using uclassify

We are very happy to anouce that yet another site is using the uclassify web service! ofaust.com is a literature expert who finds out to which classical author a text resemble most. The developers let us know that it has been trained on over 80 different works of classical authors such as Plato, Shakespeare, Tolstoy and of course Goethe.


The beta is now up and running, please sign up create your own web site using cool classifications!

uClassify beta!

Today we are very pleased to announce the beta release of a new web service that allows everyone to access text classifiers for free. In short, by using a web api (e.g. google maps), everyone can create and train their own classifiers.

Two sites using the api already exists, be inspired and come up with your own classifiers

Typealyzer.com – Analyzes the personality of a blog author.

GenderAnalyzer.com – Figures out if a text is written by a man or woman.

During beta we will test the server for usability, stability, scalability and performance.

All comments and feedback are very appreciated!!

Best regards,

Jon Kågström, Roger Karlsson and Emil Kågström.